Let’s break the TABOO

Bad taste to talk about inheritence

Bad taste to talk about inheritence

I want to break a taboo because it needs to be broken. In the last 10 years more capital has been past on than ever before in  the history of mankind and the amounts are still growing. This happens in a “quiet” world where it is vulgar to talk about money. Suddenly one of your friends can afford to buy a nice house or has a beautiful car or… I am pretty sure you know what I mean because it happens all around us.

However, most of the heirs have serious issues with their inheritance because they have not been prepared for it – remember, it is considered vulgar to talk about it. In consequence the heirs feel shame and guilt, overwhelm and lack of purpose… and nobody understand them because everyone else thinks they have been so lucky. I know what that is like because I have been one of them and it totally changed my life but it did not change it for the better.

Don’t get me wrong. I am super grateful to my Dad for having given me more freedom of choice. However, he had to go in order for me to inherit and I would much, much rather have him around than the inheritance.
But apart from the grief and the shame and the guilt one feels, the newly acquired wealth brings with it big responsibilities plus, and this can be a big one, when there is no need to work it is hard to find the right motivation.

Also, and that is probably the worst, you tend to attract the Protect you moneyworst in people; be it family members who break with you because they did not get a piece of the pie, or family members and friends who borrow money and then resent you because they can’t or don’t want to pay it back. Or false financial advisors who seem to smell your overwhelm and innocence in these matters. It’s as if you have “Dumb HEIR” printed on your forehead.

When I inherited I tried my utmost to make my Dad proud but I made so many mistakes by trusting the wrong people. Friendships and family connections went sour and I took the blame. I felt so ashamed, so useless…
Today I help heirs cope with their inheritance in a healthy, joyful way so they do not have to go through all the suffering I went through. If you know anyone that could do with a helping hand, please let me know.

Lots of Love

PS.: Inheritances are not always the blessing they are meant to be. For many heirs they become a curse as guilt, shame, overwhelm, fear, and lack of purpose set in. Often heirs are not able to emotionally take ownership and either twiddle it away or hang on to it for dear life. They want to make their parents proud but without the need to work, there is little motivation; depression and in some cases social phobia sets in…

My name is Barbara Hofmeister and I am a heir. I know first hand what challenges one faces. To make it easier for donors and heirs I have specialized in helping them make the best of their inheritance. I am a certified coach/counsellor and an expert in helping people overcome emotional upheaval. Get in touch to discuss how together we can help your clients live a better, more fulfilling life.